Healthy Things Good Things from Gardening

Good Thing, Painted Rusty Rooster, Now He’s a Happy Zinnia Basket with a Red Comb & Wattle with Green Tail Feathers,and I Could Not Resist Making His Feet Orange

Good things  from Gardening. Gardening this year has been such a good thing full of healthy things like garlic, onions, scallions, sugar snap peas, broccoli, collards, mustard greens, and many varieties of tomatoes. Fresh air, sunshine, and moving the body about in bending, pulling, tugging, pushing, and leveraging and digging with hand tools into the soil have been healthy things and surely the whole process of gardening has been a good thing. It has also been a good thing for my mind, heart, soul, and faith in God to see things spring from tiny seeds, bulbs, and to sprout from the dirt full of healthy things to nourish and strengthen in all ways. I highly recommend growing these good things for all their benefits of being grounded, pun intended, to the creation given to us by our benevolent Provider, not mother earth, but Father God, Jesus Christ who was there “In the beginning”, who spoke the world into being,  and who Is the Word.

It Is a Good Thing to Use These Helps for the Ole Body in Gardening

Big Red Tomato Plants and Their Box are Good Things, Rather!

Broccoli Leaves are Closely Related to Collards, Can Be Eaten the Same Way

Red French Scallions Added to Broccoli Leaves Turned Out to Be a Good Thing


No, you don’t have to be a Christian to be a gardener, but it surely illustrates to this Christian the wonder and hope of life and that is a good thing and a healthy thing.



"On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All Other Ground is Sinking Sand"

Now we are being prepared for yet another weakening of our consciouses as believers in Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Only Begotten Son of God the Way the Truth and the Light the One who gives us eternal life.

Here are articles urging us to vote for Mitt Romney Mormon bishop of the LDS religion which denies our Lord and Savior’s Identity as the perfect Lamb of God. One of the basic facts about the LDS is their revelation that theirs is an “evolving” system of religion. Pay close attention to that profession, it allows further changes in any area of a Mormon’s beliefs, therefore anything they say can be taken back and changed to the opposite as evidenced in the below articles. 

In Boston, Mitt Romney ‘evolved’ in Mormon leadership, some churchwomen say, by Jason Horowitz, Published: November 21, ARLINGTON, Mass.

” Romney’s pilgrim’s progress from tone-deaf enforcer of doctrine to a more mature and tolerant pastor of the feminists in his flock.

Romney, who declined to comment for this article, is now a potential Republican nominee for president. In this election, he has embraced his long and active membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to parry accusations that he lacks consistency and a “core.” But some of the women who witnessed Romney’s tenure as the highest-ranking Mormon authority in Boston, the epicenter of the church’s women’s movement, offer a more nuanced portrait.

“He evolved,” said Barbara Taylor, a former president of Exponent II who went on to serve as personal assistant to Romney in the Massachusetts governor’s office. “He is an entirely different person now.”

Mike Huckabee tells conservatives to prepare to back Mitt Romney, by Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket

“Huckabee’s comments are the latest indication conservatives are readying one another to “hold their noses” and vote for Romney, who opponents on both sides of the aisle paint as the most moderate major Republican candidate in the 2012 race.”

(I think I need to spit and spew this out of my mouth,  instead of holding my nose and voting for an anti-christ!) 

Oct 03, 2011
Mitt Romney sits down with Mike Huckabee to flip-flop on abortion
by Kaili Joy Gray

(Here’s where being an evolving Mormon comes in extremely handy.)


Here are Huckabee’s own very political words in which he “reserves the right to change his mind” about who he supports. He is a Republican’s Republican first and foremost, and in my humble opinion he will vote for the lesser of two evils and support Romney over Obama. I also see in Huckabee that his political aspirations are far from ended and that he may be positioning for VP? I believe that the choice between Republicans and Democrats is a Hobson’s choice unlike  Huckabee who supports the two party system and is willing to vote for even an anti-christ Mormon to get a Republican elected.

Investigative Audio “Huckabee: Tea Party may need to support Romney”


It is revealing how vehemently Mike Huckabee opposes Ron Paul.

Mike Huckabee Bashes Ron Paul And Avoids Iran Question 

Here is slanderous statements made on Leno May, 2011, that he made incorrectly framing Ron Paul’s beliefs on traditional Republican hot points.


Finally look at this 2008 presidential debate footage of Ron Paul and one example of the blatant disrespect.
“The fact everyone that controls the International Banking Cartel, Main Stream Media and Big oil etc. are so fearful of this man is maybe really the first reason you should give him your vote.

Republican Debates 2008″

No change in Paul’s message other than now he has made it more succinct as in this Face the Nation interview with Bob Schieffer. Paul fields the tough issues that have been used by both parties of our false right left paradigm for the last century. Come out of fear and examine the slogans that have kept our nation at war for the last ten years. Watch some Ron Paul and give him a chance is all I ask, because I think he makes great sense.

All the Republican candidates other than Ron Paul use fear factor to motivate Christians. Fearing terrorists or any other than God is evil.  We should fear God who is able to destroy both the body and the spirit.